This is mostly a knitting blog. Sometimes pictures of things I've made, sometimes not. I'm a guy who knits, I usually attend a men's stitch 'n' bitch on Monday nights, and I prefer natural fibres to artificial ones. I have a love-hate relationship with bamboo yarns: I love what they can do and how they look, I hate how they are made. I've been knitting since about 2003, though I really didn't get into it until 2005, while convelescing with a broken leg. I must have discovered something good, 'cause I'm still knitting years later.

Friday, December 26, 2014

Blocking the goods

Christmas has come and gone. I tried mightily to finish everything on time, and mostly did. Well, knitting-wise. Blocking-wise, well, that's another story. I did manage to get the two feather-and-fan scarves blocked. But they are still at my house, and will probably not reach their destinations until Monday.
These were spritzed with water before pinning. I decided not to do a full wet block, since they both contain silk, which tends to grow very large when it gets wet.

I am still making stuff for the January reunion. I have just finished the first colour stripe of the Ombre Cowl, and am about to add the second. This is a gradient cowl, using two strands of Colour A, then one strand each of Colour B, then two strands of Colour B, then one strand of B and one of Colour C, then two strands of Colour C. I just finished the part with two strands of Colour A. I know my work is cut out for me. These are the two Grace Jones Cowls that I finished.
Done in Juniper Moon's Moonshine, I hope they fit! 

I am already planning projects for after all the reunion knitting is done. Cowls, sweaters, hats, scarves, and lace goodies that will keep me busy throughout the year. And I'm sure that new projects will be added as I go along. Mercifully, I have most of what I need for yarn, but I'm pretty sure I'll get more as the year progresses. I am a yarn whore, and besides, the act of collecting yarn and the act of knitting are two different actions, which only sometimes intersect.

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