This is mostly a knitting blog. Sometimes pictures of things I've made, sometimes not. I'm a guy who knits, I usually attend a men's stitch 'n' bitch on Monday nights, and I prefer natural fibres to artificial ones. I have a love-hate relationship with bamboo yarns: I love what they can do and how they look, I hate how they are made. I've been knitting since about 2003, though I really didn't get into it until 2005, while convelescing with a broken leg. I must have discovered something good, 'cause I'm still knitting years later.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Finished Object Friday!

I have two objects that were recently finished. I'd hoped to add a third (almost done with that damn scarf!), but alas! I still have about another five iterations of the pattern to go through. So I'll be done tomorrow. Feh.

This is the feather and fan scarf, knit in an intense purple (so why does every picture make it look blue?), from a handspun/hand-dyed yarn I bought in the Provincetown farmer's market when I was there in July. It is 60% merino, and 40% silk (and is splitty as all get out!). But it's pretty. The ends need weaving, and it wants blocking, but this is how it looks now.
It's five feet long, and I think it will keep the recipient quite warm.

This is the Honey Cowl, made from tussah silk, added to my stash last year, from the delightful and eclectic store The Artful Ewe, Port Gamble, WA. Tehis is a smokey grey, with highlights in green and yellow. 
The ends need to be woven, and it needs to be blocked. And I'm still not sure who is going to get it. But it sure is pretty.

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