Detail of Feather & Fan
Feather & Fan
I will move onto the scarves for my niece and nephew after this are done. Red Malabrigo for him, Green Juniper Moon Moonshine for her. I'm looking forward to knitting these, and think I'll use the Irish Hiking Scarf pattern.
The other thing on the needles is a honey cowl, done up in tussah silk, all from The Artful Ewe, in Port Gamble, WA, which I bought last year. I just added the second skein last night.
I wasn't sure if I liked the colour, but in the sunlight, it really shines with bits of black, grey, and green. I'm not sure who is going to get it, though.
Over the weekend, I moved six bins of yarn to a friend's basement. It's not that I don't want my yarn (I do, I want all of it!), but that I have only one room in my apartment, and 25 bins of yarn take up a lot of space. So, until I'm living in a better (and roomier) situation, those six bins (and probably another five or six) will be living "off campus" as it were.
There's a lot o' woolly goodness in them there bins!
This weekend, I opened my mailbox, and discovered this:
My friend Joe found it in California, and shipped it to me. The last time I mentioned this book, about a year ago, I had seen it on Amazon, and they were charging well over $100 for it. Not worth it for a book published in 1972. I know that Joe didn't spend that much on it, and I am absolutely delighted with it! It gives basic step by step instructions for men to knit, advises them to let a "professional" block their items for them, and includes these projects:
- A dog bed (for man's best friend)
- A cap (done flat, with the seams crocheted together)
- A wall hanging (to display the blue ribbon your horse or cow won)
- A blanket for your horse (knit on a rubber hose that has been sliced to an appropriate size, the ends sharpened, and knit with extra bulky/chunky yarn)
- A slipover sweater (a vest, basically two squares of knitted fabric, sewn along the sides, leaving armholes and a neck hole)
- A hammock (knit with rope on pool cues or shovel handles)
I think I would like to knit the hammock, actually.
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