I have been trying like mad to get all my holiday knitting done in time. Yeah, yeah, it's still October. But it's the end of October! Only six more weeks of knitting and the holidays will be upon us! ONOES!
*runs around in a panic, arms flailing*
Yeah, so I'm knitting at a relentless pace. Got one hat done. On the needles are a shawl and a scarf. The shawl, well, I've completed five iterations of the pattern. Four, or maybe five, more to go. The scarf? Well, let's just say that I'm not even half way through the first skein yet. And the last scarf I'll be making? I've got the yarn. I've got a pattern. Now I need to find time to start it. Of course, I need to finish the shawl (116 stitches per row, 32 rows per iteration). *pant, pant* I'm knitting as fast as I can! Why, yes, as a matter of fact I do wake up at 5:00 am in order to get more knitting in.
Then there's the stuff for the Reunion '11. One scarf is done. Eleven more projects to go. Yeah, right. I'll get it all done. Really. No, really! At this point I'm not even certain what I'm making for two of the people. I'm going to try to make things from my stash, but I might have to go out and get *insert trumpet of doom* more yarn! ONOES!!! Seriously, what man wouldn't want an alpaca shawl? And what do you knit for the man for whom you have already made that alpaca shawl? As well as a couple of hats and a scarf? How many scarves does a man need, before his neck can be warm? Oh dear, I'm channelling Dylan there.
That's it. After the hols and Reunion '11, I'm working on things for my own damn self. I've got half a dozen sweaters on the needles. I'd like to finish at least one of them before spring!
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