This is mostly a knitting blog. Sometimes pictures of things I've made, sometimes not. I'm a guy who knits, I usually attend a men's stitch 'n' bitch on Monday nights, and I prefer natural fibres to artificial ones. I have a love-hate relationship with bamboo yarns: I love what they can do and how they look, I hate how they are made. I've been knitting since about 2003, though I really didn't get into it until 2005, while convelescing with a broken leg. I must have discovered something good, 'cause I'm still knitting years later.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Franklin's Lecture

So, yeah, I thought I was all done with lectures after last Saturday. But tonight I went and listened to Franklin Habit, of the Panopticon, talk to the Common Cod Fiber Guild, on antique knitting patterns.

He was spellbinding.

And pretty damn funny.

Why couldn't all the lectures I attended over the last four years have been half as funny as the one I attended tonight? And now I'm itching to go out and make some Victorian lace shawls. Or muffatees. Wouldn't you love to have a muffatee? I know I would. You can find some muffatee patterns here:

Franklin Habit has a book out of knitting cartoons, called It Itches.

I got it signed.
It reads, For Ken! It's a guy thing...
Boston, 2011
[heart] Franklin Habit
Doesn't he have lovely handwriting? I studied calligraphy for 15 years, and my handwriting is illegible.

Chatting with the crowd.

Franklin Habit and me.
Signing books

It was a terrific evening, and I wouldn't have been able to go if it weren't for the kindness of Annie. Thank you, Annie, for enabling me to attend the best lecture of the academic year.

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