So, I put together a couple of hats. One will fit her, the other won't. She can give it to her daughter if she wants.
This is the tychus hat ( The pattern calls for five iterations of the pattern, but I only did four, because it seemed large enough. My friend Harry, who sent me the pattern, blocks these hats, so he does the full five repeats. Oops. I've never blocked a hat before, and he suggests doing it on a balloon. How cool is that? So I'll try that the next time I make one of these, which will be soon, since I have another one on the needles. This particular hat was made with double stranded worsted weight wool, Cascade Baby Alpaca (the white is actually undyed).
The other hat I made is this one:
I'm not sure this will fit my friend, so she can give it to her daughter if she wants. It is made with Malabrigo Silky Merino (51% silk, 49% merino). I like the way the colours fall in this. Hell, I might need to make myself one of these.
Finally, a hat made for the second part of the Pushing 50 Party, or, Div School Reunion, in Cascade Pastaza:
Not sure who is going to get this, but it is soft and warm and I really like the boldness of the black and red together. This was yarn stash leftovers from another project. And I still have some of each colour left over!I'm currently working on another tychus hat, and a Noro scarf for myself; however, this time I'm only going to use two skeins of Noro, instead of four, since I want a shorter scarf (I don't need another 6.5 foot scarf!). I'll post pictures when I've got more than a few rows done.
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