This is mostly a knitting blog. Sometimes pictures of things I've made, sometimes not. I'm a guy who knits, I usually attend a men's stitch 'n' bitch on Monday nights, and I prefer natural fibres to artificial ones. I have a love-hate relationship with bamboo yarns: I love what they can do and how they look, I hate how they are made. I've been knitting since about 2003, though I really didn't get into it until 2005, while convelescing with a broken leg. I must have discovered something good, 'cause I'm still knitting years later.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Nine Inch Needles

On Monday nights I can usually be found at the Diesel Cafe in Davis Square. Nine Inch Needles, a gay men's knitting group has its weekly stitch 'n' bitch. We start knitting around 6:00 pm, and finish up any time between 8:00 and 9:00, though one night a couple of guys stayed til almost 11:00.

We knit, buy a few drinks (I like the raspberry lime rickeys), and get all caught up with each other and our knitting. We trade patterns, help each other with techniques, make lewd comments, cruise the hotties who walk by, lend the odd scissors, tape measure, stitch marker or cable needle as needed. We discuss musicals (who likes 'em, who doesn't, which ones are good, which are a waste of time), varieties of yarn (alpaca? cotton? wool?), and we train our baby knitters, two guys who joined us and started learning (or, in one case, re-learning) the fine art of knitting.

Next semester I probably won't be able to make it very often to Nine Inch Needles. I've got three classes on the docket (Tuesday night, Wednesday night, Saturday morning), and will need Monday nights for studying, I'm sure. But for now, it's my weekly social event that keeps me sane.

Here are a few of the lads with whom I knit. I'll try to take more photos as other guys show up.



