This is mostly a knitting blog. Sometimes pictures of things I've made, sometimes not. I'm a guy who knits, I usually attend a men's stitch 'n' bitch on Monday nights, and I prefer natural fibres to artificial ones. I have a love-hate relationship with bamboo yarns: I love what they can do and how they look, I hate how they are made. I've been knitting since about 2003, though I really didn't get into it until 2005, while convelescing with a broken leg. I must have discovered something good, 'cause I'm still knitting years later.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Back For A Bit

I've taken about a year's hiatus from writing this here blog thingy. Honestly, I think blogs are a thing of the past. Everything is Instagram now. But I think I'll keep writing. Part of the reason I took some time off was because I wasn't really doing a lot of knitting. I was buying yarn. And as my friend Lucy says, the act of buying yarn and the act of knitting are two very different acts, which only sometimes intersect. I went to Rinebeck last October (I've got a draft of my essay on that, which I never published), and earlier this year I went to the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival. This past weekend I went to a fibre festival in Vicksburg, MS. And in November I'll be going to one in central Massachusetts. To buy more YAAAAARRRRRNNNN!

Like I need more. I have all these wonderful ideas for what I'm going to make with it, but I never quite get there. Oooh, these yarns are something person X will love! I'll make them a something. And then I search Ravelry for patterns and never quite see anything I really love, or want to try, or which jumps out at me and says, "Knit me!" Sometimes it sucks not having the knitting design gene. But I did get some gorgeous yarns, and I do have plans to make at least one thing with them. The others will sit in zip-lock baggies in my stash and mock me. I tell my husband that I'm buying yarn now while I can afford it so that when I retire and can't afford it I'll have something to knit. I don't think he believes me.

Anyway, I did get some lovely yarns and here are a couple of them.

From LeadingMenFiberArts, this lovely purple yarn. And I love the name of the colourway: Drama Queen. It's such a bright and happy shade of purple, I can't imagine any drama queen being this cheerful!

From Lazy Cat Yarn, this amazing not-quite-blue-not-quite-purple, Blue Iris. I know for whom I want to make something with this,but I may need to get a second colour to make the project I have in mind. But this really glows.

From Crafting My Chaos, I bought the red skein of yarn. I really wanted the yellow as well, but I didn't have the money for it, and also, it's a bit too Gryffindor for me. I'm a Ravenclaw, so I only got the red. But man! Is it intense!

I got some other things, but the photos don't show them to their best advantage, and I'll highlight them in another post. Especially the stuff from Kimmarie. I already have a pattern and an idea for the yarns I got from her!

So there you have it. Some new yarns. I did knit six lace scarves last year. I don't think I took pictures of them, other than while they were on the blocking board. And since I use a cardboard sewing board, they really aren't shown to their best advantage. I really need to learn how to photograph my knitting!

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