Something had to be done.
Something was.
I started a new project, that even though is all garter stitch, has me counting stitches, making yarn overs and it's coming along splendidly! You know, sometimes even garter stitch can rock! The other night I cast on the four stitches of Spiral Staircase Shawl (corrected), by LizAnn Petch, and am loving every stitch. I think it should have been called The Sea Serpent's Back, or Dragon Ridges, or some such. But then I probably read too much fantasy as a youth (The Voyage of the Dawn Treader was my favourite book as a kid, and I loved the chapter about their encounter with the sea-serpent).
You can see the ridges taking shape, and while I get the staircase name, I still prefer the sea-serpent reference.
The yarn is Madeline Tosh Vintage, the colourway is Purple Basil. I love this colour!
I am also making a garter stitch baby blanket, in Cascade Superwash 128.
When I've finished each strip, I'll sew them together. I might rearrange the order, and I might make a couple more strips. I got two skeins of each colour, and will be able to make a few more. I've got about a double dozen rows to go and I'll be done with these. But I have to admit, it's boring!
The final garter stitch project currently on the needles is this cowl.
Made with Lamb's Pride and an unremembered yarn, it was supposed to be a garter scarf, two rows of the Lamb's Pride, two rows of the other, making a stripey scarf. But the friend I am making this for, wanted a cowl, so I am doing 206 stitches of knit, followed by 206 stitches of purl. It's coming out well, it looks good, and I think it will wear well when done, but like the project above, it is boring! I find myself going brain dead while knitting it. I wonder what I can do to make it less mind-numbingly tedious? I thought that it would be a good project to bring to knit-night, but I hate to drag it out because it bores me so. Well, the sooner I get it done, the sooner I don't have to knit it anymore. I'll get on it, right after I finish my sea-serpent!